Breakdown of Stay Tun3d Clothing:
We are a Faith-based clothing ( t-shirts & apparel) and accessories brand, focused on quality products at amazing prices and deals; that go with car/vehicle lovers, their communities and lifestyles (we really just have cool apparel that goes with anything ;) ). Making an effort to help build your ensemble of personal attitude and appearance, making a statement that stands out in the crowd.
We, also, offer design services (t-shirts, logos, and more) for individuals and groups (services subject to approval)
Check out our upcoming event at Willow Springs Raceway! Not just a car meet, but a full event to premier the racing series for 2025 and onward, featuring drivers and skill levels of all types, showcasing themselves for prizes, trophies and a spot to compete for next years championship belt as the Willow Springs Takeover Champion. (view video for info)